Friday, April 24, 2009

The honeymoon is over - President Barack Obama has to show that he is a world leader

By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 8:59AM BST 24 Apr 2009

By postponing inevitable confrontations, Barack Obama could be accused of appeasement, says Con Coughlin.

The Taliban continues its menacing advance on the Pakistani capital. The Iranian president reiterates his hateful anti-Israeli rhetoric, while Israel's newly elected Right-wing prime minister makes veiled threats about launching military action to prevent a second Holocaust. Yet the only subject that appears to concern Barack Obama is whether or not senior officials from the previous administration should face prosecution for the harsh interrogation techniques used against terror suspects in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Mr Obama has attracted much international goodwill since he took up residence in the White House – not least in Europe, where his youthful charm and conciliatory approach are seen as a refreshing change from his predecessor's hectoring and arrogant attitude. But even the most propitious honeymoons have to end sometime, and that moment seems to be fast approaching, as Mr Obama finds that his international standing has been weakened by a domestic scandal of his own making.

The article continues at Telegraph.Co.UK...

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